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Wanhui Football World Cup kicks off
发布时间:2023-05-14 23:21:54 访问量 507


Wanhui Football World Cup kicks off

Published: 2022-11-29 08:43:50

The Chinese football team is not in the World Cup but the players of Wanhui are still raising their arms for China!


Part 02

Football League Opportunity

Classroom teaching is the foundation of football at Wanhui. The players spend a year in a three-module cycle, learning football theory and basic football skills.


At the end of the first major module, the football league's school activities opened with a comprehensive tournament with assessment for learning.

Coinciding with the Qatar Football World Cup last year, the Wanhui Football Tournament will be a one against one recreation of the top level football tournament bringing out the excitment of the game. This is a great opportunity for the students to read about the world of football.

Part 03

The wonderful opportunity of grouping

The teams are divided to break up the inter-class matches. Each class is divided into two teams of equal level with each player participating in the class competition and the winner of the class competition participating in the yearly competition following the grade competition.

Fantastic! Fantastic in that the groupings and format will give players who are new to the game a chance to stand up and be brave and allow those with good skills to think about cooperation and collaboration.

The educational wisdom of grouping is Bruno's understanding of all the students. The competition for all students is based on fair play and is not all about "winning".

The educational concept focuses more on the participation of each player and the enjoyment of the game in teamwork and the excitement of the sport of football.

The Wanhui School Football World Cup is not only a tournament but the aspects covered the spirit and culture embedded in the game can be passed on to students in the form of a ball game and reach out to more.

Part 04

Heroes on the field of play

The Football World Cup at Wanhui School has begun with a three-week, cross-curricular thematic learning programme across eleven subjects.


Stay tuned for next episode!