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Life Safety Seminar
发布时间:2023-05-14 23:20:30 访问量 485

Fear Life, Guard SafetyDujiangyan Wanhui School Conducts Life Safety Seminar

Published2021-04-08 10:51:07

Sometimes life is like a wild grass that has been withered by winter weather but will come back to life in the spring; sometimes life is like a gorgeous flower on a branch that will wither away in a sudden storm. Life is so strong and so fragile, we do not know tomorrow and the unexpected, in the face of the unpredictable life, but we must be prepared for danger, in order to face the danger have the wisdom to protect life.


On 31 March, the co-founder of the Life Safety Integrated Service Provider - "One Family One Rescue", Mr Yi Wen, visited Dujiangyan Wanhui School to give an informative and practical life safety talk, which was attended by all the class and life teachers.

Mr Yi Wen gave a detailed explanation on how to respond to the most common student personal safety incidents in schools, including: choking on foreign objects, bleeding from trauma, first aid for burns, and cardiac resuscitation.

At the seminar, teachers learned how to treat students after being bitten by mosquitoes, learned how to help children flush out foreign bodies from the airway and simulated the use of a haemostatic cord to deal with a bleeding aorta.

During the talk, Mr Yi Wen demonstrated how to perform CPR and also educated the teachers on the use of an Automated External Defibrillator and instructed teachers on how to quickly locate an AED device near the incident via their mobile phones.

Life is a precious human treasure and the world is made wonderful by its existence. A lecture on first aid is a way of looking at life and guarding the lives of students.