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Youth Psychological Crisis Prevention and Intervention Seminar
发布时间:2023-05-14 23:19:41 访问量 526

Discovering and guarding growth from the heart - Dujiangyan Wanhui School held a seminar on "Youth Psychological Crisis Prevention and Intervention".

Published2021-04-08 10:16:14

When Ms Chen Yufang, a renowned psychology teacher in Chengdu, visited the Dujiangyan Wanhui School in the afternoon, she was attracted by the natural landscape of the school. The flowers, trees, bridges and streams are all nurturing and soothing to the mind and body.

The psychological crisis facing adolescents worldwide remains acute. According to data released by UNICEF and the World Health Organization in recent years, about one in five adolescents worldwide is currently suffering from mental health problems. The number of people seeking psychological counselling in China has surged in recent years, and the counselling market is mixed. 2017 saw the abolition of the national counselling qualification examination.

Based on real-life cases, Ms Chen explained in depth the concept of the "Four Qualities" of teachers. To prevent and intervene effectively in psychological crises, there is a  need to have a clear understanding of our students and recognise issues; we need to have the skills in our hands to master the methods of prevention and intervention; we need to have the right footing to uphold the bottom line and principles of education and we need to have the light in our eyes to look to the future and keep hope alive.

Ms Chen focused on early warning signs such as family disharmony, poor parent-child relationships, major family changes, and changes in family structure. She emphasized the need to actively focus on crisis concentration periods such as around the start of a new school term, around major exams and after major life events to establish and improve tracking systems such as student psychological profiles and dynamic counselling and carefully identify adolescent developmental, adaptive and disruptive psychological problems.

Finally, she hopes to create a whole-hearted atmosphere in terms of co-parenting at home and school. Parents are important partners for teachers in educating their children, and school classroom teachers should actively invite parents to participate and enhance dialogue and co-parenting. At the same time, school teachers should focus on classroom construction to help young people realise their self-needs such as a sense of security, a sense of belonging and a sense of importance. This will allow young people to feel the love and care of their teachers not only everywhere at school and at all times in the classroom, but also at home in the warmth of a haven.


The teachers had a deeper understanding of "Youth Psychological Crisis Prevention and Intervention" and said that they would be able to prevent and intervene in youth psychological crisis more scientifically and effectively in their future work, so as to care for the future growth of our country! Ms Chen also highly praised our school staff for their dedication and sincerity in educating the children and believed that Wanhui would become better and better.