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Sichuan Foreign Affairs Key Visiting Site
发布时间:2023-05-14 23:18:49 访问量 518

Dujiangyan Wanhui Academy was awarded the title of "Sichuan Foreign Affairs Key Visiting Site".

Published:2022-04-25 13:01:45

On 22 April 2022, the Sichuan Foreign Affairs Office held a ceremony to award the "Sichuan Foreign Affairs Visiting Key Sites", and Dujiangyan Wanhui Academy was awarded the nameplate as one of the first six sites to be awarded the title "Sichuan Foreign Affairs Visiting Key Sites". Zhiwei Cui, Director of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, presented the plaque and delivered a speech, while Wenli Song, President of Chengdu Chengtou Wanhui Education Group, attended the ceremony and Headmaster Bincong Duan accepted the award on behalf of the school.

Director Cui firstly congratulated the first six sites that were awarded the "Sichuan Foreign Affairs Visiting Key sites". He said that the establishment of the "Key sites for Foreign Affairs Visits in Sichuan" was an important step to implement the spirit of the fourth meeting of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Committee and the provincial Foreign Affairs (Hong Kong and Macao) Work Conference, to integrate foreign exchange resources in the fields of economic development, cultural tourism, scientific and technological innovation, modern education, ecological agriculture and green development and to promote the opening up of the province to the outside world. It is an important initiative to promote the high-quality development of the province's opening-up work. The awarded units should continue to give full play to their respective advantages and act as windows and business cards for Sichuan's foreign exchange and cooperation. The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office will actively provide the necessary support and guidance to the awarded units and make full use of foreign affairs resources to expand new platforms for international exchange and cooperation.

Headmaster Duan thanked the Sichuan Foreign Affairs Office for its support and assistance to the educational teaching and external cooperation work of Wanhui Academy, saying that our school, as a representative of the modern education field and must strive to do a good job as a window and business card of Sichuan's foreign exchange and cooperation.