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Visit from Chairman Liu
发布时间:2023-05-13 23:06:51 访问量 490

Mr Zhihui Liu, Chairman of Chengdu Overseas Chinese Association, visited Wanhui Academy in Dujiangyan 

Published2022-04-20 11:22:22

Chairman Liu and his team visited and explored the overall construction of our school campus, went into classes, technology classrooms, the Metal & Woodworking Workshop and the Arts and Sports Centre. He was pleased to hear President Wenli Song’s report on the in-depth development of our school's overseas Chinese culture and the construction of the Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base.

Chairman Liu  fully affirmed the school's school environment, school philosophy, education and teaching level, and the construction of overseas Chinese culture. He emphasized that deepening the working mechanism of "University Overseas Chinese Association + Local Overseas Chinese Association + Alumni Association" will help the development of Wanhui Academy, which will result in Wanhui Academy becoming the first school in Sichuan Province to be named as "Overseas Chinese Home", Chairman Liu hoped that Wanhui Academy will continue its philosophy and original intention to become a model for future education. President Wenli Song thanked the overseas Chinese associations at all levels for their support of the school and as a returned overseas Chinese, she insisted on providing a good education for children with a strong sense of family and country; Wanhui Academy will build a good "Overseas Chinese Home" and tell the story of China, Sichuan, Chengdu and Dujiangyan.